Monday, April 20, 2009


Shayne and I decided to blow of going to the gym on Sunday. It was too nice out and we kind of just wanted to roam around. We ended up running some errands with my niece, Kassidy, in the morning. After we dropped her off, we went to look at mattresses, then went to Sea Dog to have lunch (YUM!). After lunch, we picked up a few things that I needed to fix the gate to the back fence at my place... then we went to Marden's.

Shayne has decided that we will not be going there again. I think it's because I made him go to the shoe section with me. You CAN'T go to Marden's and NOT check out the stunning collection of hideous shoes they have...

These were both a bit big for me, but I managed to have Shayne participate in my foolishness by taking pictures:

I can think of absolutely nothing to say about these shoes... They make me want to hurl...

These ones had weird glitter stuff all over the huge heals. They were actually pretty comfy... They also game in a gross brownish/gold color.

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