Eowyn had her 3-year well visit Tuesday afternoon. She was so good and did an excellent job following directions when the nurse was asking her to get on the scale and stand a certain way when she had to measure Eowyn's height.
Here are her stats:
Weight: 36.5 pounds
Height: 40.1"
Head Circum: @ 20"
All are in the top 95% =)
We also have a little questionaire thing that we get to do each time we go in. You go through and answer questions until you get 3 wrong. Questions include: Can your child say her full name understandably? Can your child identify the animals shown without any help? Place this questionaire on the floor and have your child jump over it. Can she do so? Have your child make the same shape shown: 0. Do not tell her what the shape is, but ask her to make one herself. Etc... We only answered 2 as 'No'... and one of them wasn't really fair because they didn't have blocks to use.
Eowyn's doctor seemed impressed with how well Eowyn interacted with her. It was adorable, Eowyn was even polietly smiling at some of the silly jokes or smiles the doctor would make. The doctor has no concerns with Eowyn's progress at this time. I brought up Eowyn's disgust for vegetables... And it's not even so much that she doesn't like them, but the consistency makes her gag... Poor thing... she DOES try them though.... Where Eowyn is growing well, her doctor is not concerned that she is not getting enough nutrients. I explained that I do put a partial instant breakfast in her milk each day and she has a daily multivitamin as well.
This morning was rough... Yesterday, when I picked up Eowyn, Miss Amanda (at daycare) had mentioned that Eowyn had been having a very hard time getting dropped off... She had noticed that Eowyn wouldn't have a problem when I dropped her off, but when James dropped her off, she would cry and get very upset. That observation made me a little curious... but then on the way home, I was talking up daycare and asking her about the fun things she had done there today... Eowyn said that she didn't want to go to daycare. I told her that she didn't have to go back today as we were going home, but that she would get to go and play with her friends the next day. She started getting upset, so we started talking about something else. This morning, like always, we got up and I asked her what she would like to wear to school. She started getting upset and saying, "I don't want to go to daycare!! I want to go to work with you!!" I got her dressed and she played in her playroom while I took a shower and got ready for work. She got in the car and we drove to daycare... As soon as we pulled in the parking lot, she started getting VERY upset and crying. I was able to get her inside and she sat at the table and I pointed out how she had her very own spot at the table with her name and a picture of her right at her seat... She was still crying... She had her Minnie Mouse doll and her blanket... along the crackers that I allowed her to take (for comfort??) and she eventually stopped crying... so I snuck away... made it to work 1 minute late.
I'm not a big fan of this. She would occasionally have issues with being dropped off at daycare in the past, but nothing to this magnitude. Well... when she was younger, she did have similar reactions, but that seemed to be the standard separation anxiety that was appropriate for her age... This seems to be a combination of starting the new daycare, making new friends (and not having her normal friends around her), and possibly separation anxiety? And I hate to say it... but the first thing that I thought when Miss Amanda brought the issue up, was that James was somehow sabotaging the transition to the new daycare... Maybe not even intentionally, but possibly by bringing up her old daycare and asking if she missed it... and obviously having her old teacher as his girlfriend is a constant reminder to her... I don't know... I tend to get overly suspicious of things involving James and Eowyn because I feel that I am constantly having to remind him of proper daily hygiene (tooth brushing, potty training, baths) as well as proper ways of handling situations... It's so frustrating and I hate always thinking the worst...
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